The Halloween Trunk and Treat is scheduled for this Friday. Hayride, Bonfire and plenty of candy for the kids.
Guy Liptack supplied sandwiches, chips, drinks and pie at the ground crew appreciation lunch. Rich Tabloff and his wife and Mike Ogorek were also invited. Thanks Guy for your support of the grounds department.
We hired CS Turf again to aerate our greens. With our small staff and an aerifier that dates back to 1991, this job would have taken a couple of weeks. Renny and his helper were finished by 11:00 and we were done by 3:00.
After punching the holes, we topdressed with sand, dragged, blew off any excess sand and watered.
It's leaf rule time. It's a daily job for a couple more weeks. Free drop if you can't find your ball in a pile of leaves.
Be patient on frost days. It usually melts off by 9:00 these days. On these cold mornings the crew will be pulling out flowers and bringing in course accessories. Just a reminder, this is the last weekend for the range.