Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tee Aerification

We've started tee aerification.  We'll continue as weather permits.  With a small crew, we can only do 2 or 3 tees per day working around leagues and outings.

The new flags have finally arrived.  Thank for the donation from Melissa Kerr, The Lock's, and The McCall's.

It looks bad, but should only take a week to disappear.  I think some kids got a cart on Saturday during the fireworks.
This is Jaime, our newest employee.  He comes to Lansing with a landscaping background.  He can be found mowing greens, raking bunkers and weed whipping.

Since the fireworks celebration was rained out in late June, we rescheduled
 on September 5th.  The weather was perfect for a great show.