Friday, December 28, 2012

First Snow of the Year

I had to do some plowing this morning.  We had about an inch of snow.  The last snow we had was back in early March.  The lake is starting to freeze.  Before anyone thinks about ice fishing, please check in with Dave.  He keeps track of ice depth.
I would like to wish a everyone a Happy New Year.  Jose, Butch and I are busy getting everything ready for another season.  In about 3 months, we'll be out cutting greens, tees, fairways and rough, raking bunkers and changing cups.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Golf in mid December

December 14?  Many LCC members snuck out of work and got 18 holes in today.  This is the latest I've ever let cart go out.  This may be the end of the season if we get the predicted rain on Saturday.

Jose and I have been cutting problem trees this week.  Several are in the ditch and a few more are on #16.  The ditch trees are cottonwoods while the others are green ash trees infected wit emerald ash borer.

Butch has been working on carts until this week when he switched to our equipment.  The walkers are first of his list.