I would like to thank Guy Liptack for helping fix the Purple Martin House that is on hole number 11.
He also helped with clean up of branches that Mike Ogorek got from the lake.
It's starting to look like a golf course again. With the warm weather, we have really greened up. I've had to spray earlier than normal. Keeping track of soil temperatures is very important at this time of year.
Jose was incharge of installing the pipe, backfilling, replacing sod. We now have access to a sod cutter, thanks to Rich Tabloff. This will make drainage jobs earier and cleaner.
Rich Tabloff trenched a line for drainage in the bunker on hole #7. We will continue next week when we'll have access to a bobcat to clean out the bunker.
The blue line indicates where the drainage line is going. The orange line shows where irrigation is located. We'll have to hand dig there.