Tees aerification was completed today. The greens are healing up nicely. Fall is a great time to come out and play. You may want to bring some extra balls as the leaves fall.
Meet the 2011 Lansing grounds staff
Left to right
Dan Augdahl, Golf Course Superintendent, 4 years at Lansing, 25 plus on golf courses.
Dennis, Groundsman, 2 years at Lansing, main jobs include greens, rough and bunkers.
Salvador, Groundsman, 3 years at Lansing, main jobs include tee service bunkers, and flower bed maintenance.
Juan, Groundsman, 4 years at Lansing, main jobs include greens, tees, fairways, rough and handwatering.
Jesus, Groundsman, 2 years at Lansing, main jobs include, cup changing, greens, fairways, rough and landscaping.
Jose, Foreman, 5 years at Lansing plus 4 years at Woodmar, main jobs include everything.